Tuesday 11 August 2015

Singing with Rufus and Trilly

The evening sun pierced Rufus's wing and he opened his eyes. For a moment he thought he was still in Africa, then he looked around and stretched his wings. He was back in Tom's garden at last.

 He'd been worrying about Tom all winter. Last summer Tom had been all on his own. The female that had lived with him had disappeared in a flurry of shouting .
 Rufus couldn't wait to sing for him.
 He couldn't wait to tell his friends the Robin and the Blue tit all about his adventures, the desert, the vast ocean and the strange things he'd eaten.
Most of all he couldn't wait to woo Trilly and win her heart with his new deep voice. Last year she had rejected him, said she preferred mature voices.
  He had thought about her all winter and how he would sing to her from the plum tree in Tom's garden.
 In Morocco and in  West Africa he had practised loud and clear morning and evening and sometimes all through the night. He had caught a lot of attention with his range of vocals, a young man called Jose and another called Karim had spent a lot of time trying to imitate him, just like Tom..

Rufus went to check out Tom's garden. The bushes that Tom had planted to keep out the muntjacs were laden with berries. There were lots of fat grubs and worms near the birdbath. He hopped about in excitement.

There was a movement near the house. Tom came out and went to sit under the pear tree. Rufus felt a sadness in his heart to see he was alone.

Dusk fell over the garden and the first bright star appeared.
 Rufus alighted gently among the branches of the pear tree. He puffed out his chest and inhaled the sweet evening air.
 He exhaled and in his song was all the passion and ecstasy that was in his heart for Trilly. The ecstatic warbles echoed round the garden.
 A young woman appeared from the French windows and went to sit beside Tom.
Rufus carried on, his throat was full of joyful sounds and his song poured out of him, giving delight and hope.
 He paused and waited.
 The he heard the answering call on the spring breeze. A ruffle of feathers and a shake of the branch and Trilly was there beside him. Together they continued their song in harmony.
They both paused and  waited poised above the bench waiting for Tom to join in.
Tom stood up and puffed out his chest then let out a whistle 'hweet, hweet, hweet'
Rufus and Trilly accompanied him. The garden was filled with exquisite singing that carried on the still sweet air.

  The young woman laughed and threw her arms round Tom's neck. Trilly hopped closer to Rufus. Together they sang their duet and Rufus heard the echo of Jose and Karim rejoicing in his song.

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