Thursday 8 October 2015

A Circle of Trust

The Circus band struck up the open notes of the parade and the ringmaster signalled for the elephant to enter. The crowd fell silent as the lights swept over them and then burst into applause as they saw the majestic animal wave his trunk at them. Tatiana his trainer sat high up on his back bowing and smiling broadly. every so often she leant down and whispered in his ear and gave him a pat.

Oksana waited until the ringmaster Alfonso nodded at her and the other trapeze artists to follow.  She threw herself into a double somersault followed by a succession of cartwheels and spins. The applause grew louder and she straightened up and looked at the faces before her.

 A little girl in the front row was gazing at her with admiration, a woman that might have been her grandmother was holding on to her and stroking her long blonde hair. For a moment Oksana felt bile rise in her throat. Her grandmother had stroked her hair too, repeating how Oksana was her lucky princess and would bring her fortune. She repeated it to all the people in the village.Even as she handed Oksana over to the men and counting out the money she was still repeating it.

The little boy next to them was bouncing up and down and pointing at the horses and the zebras.  A man came and sat beside them holding large sticks of candy floss. As he handed them over Oksana saw the glint of his wedding ring in the spotlights  that swept over the audience. She felt sick and quickly moved on, diving into one of her graceful somersaults.
A hand grabbed hers and she turned. It was Cosmin. He held her hands aloft and presented her with a sweep of his arm. Together they finished the circuit and  danced their way out of the ring.

' Brava Oksana! You did it! you are a star. they loved you! Did you see how the little girls were looking at you.'

Oksana threw her arms round his neck.

'Thank you Cosmin but the worst is still to come.'

'I'll be there Oksana just keep your eyes on my hands, trust me.'

They moved to the side and watched the ringmaster to give them their cue.
Priscilla and Elvis the clowns were busy squirting water onto the children, producing bunches of flowers from the little boys' ears and pretending to fall over with their big flat feet. The sound of laughter grew louder and louder and the artistes waiting in the wings began to relax and smile at each other in encouragement.
After the clowns it was the turn of the horses. They were a magnificent sight with their plumed head gear and  plaited tails, their riders performing daring feats in time to the circus band.
After the horses the ringmaster signalled to Cosmin and Oksana.
 There was a hush in the ring. The lights dimmed and the spotlight shone on Oksana standing on her trapeze at the top of the tent.
She looked down at the faces turned towards her. She could make out the little girl with her grandmother.  They were looking at her with trust and expectancy and sheer admiration.
 Oksana had forgotten what it was like to trust someone and now Cosmin was teaching her.
 Here in the circus there must be complete trust he continued to tell her. You must trust the ones who tighten the ropes, erect the tent and all the other equipment, the electricians who prepare the lights, the lion tamers and all the ones looking after the animals. Without trust the circus would cease to exist.

Oksana became aware that Alfonso the Ringmaster was introducing their act.
His voice boomed out across the ring and the audience went very quiet.

'For the first time we have Oksana and Cosmin. Trapeze artistes per eccellenza Oksana will perform the triple somersault. I ask you to be completely silent.'

There was a roll of drums. the spotlight shone . She looked across at Cosmin. He was rubbing powder on to his hands. She focussed on them. She took a deep breath and then launched herself into the air. As she flew across to Cosmin it seemed the past was falling behind her, leaving her, she felt renewed, she felt strong and graceful. She knew she would find Cosmin's hands even with her eyes closed. She span round, once, twice, three times and stretched out her arms. Cosmin's hands grasped hers, strong, warm and firm. She was safe. Together they swung through the air holding hands and did a double somersault down onto the safety net. The applause was deafening. people were standing up, clapping and cheering. Alfonso beamed and went to join them.

Tears came to Oksana's eyes, she felt the ice melting from around her heart. She gripped Cosmin's hand and then turned to kiss him.
 She heard the little girl's voice
'Look Nanna, they're in love, I knew they were, she kissed him.'

She turned towards them and blew them a kiss, she hesitated and  then ran across and gave the little girl one of the ribbons from her  costume.

Cosmin took her hand and they left the ring to the sound of the band.

Later that night when the circus was quiet and there was only the sound of the animals scuffling in their cages, Cosmin lay awake beside Oksana. He looked at her lovely sleeping face and caressed her cheek. She would never know how much he had paid  the nightclub owner but now she was his wife at last, and he would make sure that she always trusted him.

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