Sunday 26 April 2015

Something worth celebrating

For almost a year now Dawn had been a regular customer at the sexy underwear store off the High Street. Once a month she had come in and walked around looking at the colourful display of exotic outfits.  She would touch the delicate lace, satin or fur trim of the bras, knickers or nighties, hold them gently up to the light and sometimes hold them to her face, closing her eyes against their softness. Then she might watch as  someone's purchases were wrapped in pastel tissue paper. At Christmas she had stood for a long time in front of a short red velvet baby doll with a matching hat.
The girl that worked there Jemma, always smiled in recognition. If she ever thought that a plump middle -aged rather plain woman had no use of such sensual underwear she showed no sign, sometimes even pointing out the new arrivals. Jemma felt sorry for her and imagined her going back to an empty house with an empty loveless life.

Today when Dawn entered the shop there was a new spring in her step and her face was aglow. She went straight to the display of nighties in bright sunshine colours. She picked up a yellow lacy bra with a polka dot trim and a long transparent black nightie with a red ribbon. She walked round the shop and picked up a box of heart-shaped chocolates, a feather duster and a French maid's costume then went to the till.
 Jemma tried to hide her surprise as she wrapped the dainty garments with the soft tissue paper and a satin ribbon.

'You look so happy today. Is it a celebration.'

Dawn beamed at her.

'It most certainly is. Today, after a whole year of treatment and appointments for problems down below  I've been given the all clear.' Dawn paused , her eyes looked very bright.
' By the way the chocolates are for you . This place has kept me going, helped to remind me that I'm a woman, given me something to aim for.

She picked up her parcel and waved happily.

Jemma watched her as she walked briskly out of the shop into the arms of a stout grey haired man. Her mouth hung open as she watched the couple embrace. Tears were streaming down their faces but they were laughing and kissing. Then they linked arms and walked into the new restaurant across the road.

When Jemma went to check her make up she saw the streaks of mascara running down her face mingled with her tears. She decided to make an appointment for her smear test.  She hadn't had one for a long time.

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