Monday 12 January 2015

Stories about Jack and Claire,

Jack and Claire and their children six year old Emma, the 3 year old twins, Max and Harry and the baby Sam appear in two of my stories so far. Stories from the Bar Marchè and New Beginnings, both as part of a series. In New beginnings they go Christmas shopping in a department store and there is also a story about  Gemma the assistant at the perfume counter. While at the perfume counter Jack bumps into a colleague from his London office, Matt with his girlfriend Flora. Here is a story about Flora and Matt. I hope you like it.

The  Sat-nav said that the drive to Westonbury would take two hours. Flora sat back in her seat and glanced at Matt's wrists leaning on the steering wheel.  His hands looked so strong and competent and she felt a flutter in her stomach.  She was looking forward to meeting Jack and Claire and their children.
 Just before Christmas they had bumped into Jack and his three little boys at the Perfume counter.  Matt had wanted to buy perfume for his mother and step- mother and three step-sisters. He had asked her to help him choose. It was a strange feeling to go shopping as a couple and Flora was surprised at how much she had enjoyed it.

She had met Matt at work last Spring. She was working as a secretary in a big London office of solicitors and Matt had singled her out in the first week, asking her to go for coffee or lunch in the little bistro round the corner from the office.

Matt turned the radio off and put his hand over hers.

'You've got a lovely tan Flora, against all this ice and frost you look like a Golden angel.'

Flora squeezed his hand. Something had shifted since their holiday in the Caribbean. There was a new intimacy between them.

Flora had always been insecure.  As far back as she could remember her parents had labelled her the ordinary one.  According to them her elder sister, Eleanor had inherited all the beauty and the brains, there was nothing left for Flora. She hadn't really minded, she was proud of Eleanor . As Flora grew up she blossomed and unexpectedly turned into a sensual, passionate Young womann.  It was too late for her to be good at school and work hard, she had got in with a crowd who were only interested in boys and was soon out of her depth.  With one low grade A level she enrolled  on a secretarial course and found  a  job at the Solicitors as a junior secretary.

Flora had learned to impress people by wearing provocative clothing and moving in a seductive manner and up until the Caribbean holiday she thought Matt just saw her as a piece of arm candy.
Matt had asked her to go to the Caribbean for Christmas with him. he said he was so tired and needed a break. His parents had divorced when he was eight and both had new families and he often felt in the way. Flora's parents were going to Eleanor. She and her husband Mark were busy converting and old farmhouse and expecting their first baby, they were happy for Flora to go with Matt.

It was while sitting on the beach, luxuriating in the feel of the soft white sand and watching the sun make patterns with the palms, that it happened. Matt leant across and kissed her with a new urgency.

'You're beautiful Flora, thank you for coming here with me. You take the loneliness from my heart.'

It seemed such an intimate confession and Flora felt her heart contract, her chest swell and fill with joy.

'Oh Matt, thank you for bringing me. I'm having a lovely time and haven't thought about roast turkey once.'

Matt laughed. 'What about brussel sprouts? You must miss those.'

'MMM yes maybe those.' She'd winked at him and he'd rolled her over in the sand.

On their last day they went to a local market and  Flora stopped by a stall selling handmade toys.
'What about buying some of these for your friend's children? the one we met at the Perfume counter. It would be nice to have gifts for them.'

Matt picked up a little doll.

'Oh you mean Jack and Claire. He's great, my favourite colleague. Everyone else seemed to be looking for a chance to stab you in the back or step over you, but not Jack.
It's funny, he could have had any woman, but Claire just appeared out of nowhere and bowled him over. She's interesting. She looks quite ordinary until you talk to her and then it's as though a light is shining from her and warming you.'

?Hey I' m feeling jealous, stop it.' Flora had laughed and Matt had taken her in his arms.

'Ah but you're my own personal sunshine Flora, just for me.'

They drove off the motorway and down some pretty country lanes. the sat nav said they were nearly there. Flora looked out of the window at the gently undulating countryside, the bare trees silhouetted against the Winter sky and the little villages coming to life as their lights went on. It made her feel as though she was going home. She shook herself. She'd always been a city girl.

As Matt parked the car in front of the house the front door flew open and the twins rushed out and ran around like two little puppies.

'Hello Matt, hello Flora, Mummy's made a big cake it looks like a log but it's made of chocolate and there's a snowman and a digger on the top, we put it there.'

Jack and Claire came to help them with their luggage and as they stepped into the warm, colourful hallway Matt squeezed Flora's hand.
Six year old Emma came shyly forward holding out a painting of some red roses and what looked like a bride and groom.

'This is for you, you can put it in your room.'

Flora felt a blush creep over her face and bent down to hide behind her hair.

'Oh it's beautiful Emma, Thank you so much.'

Claire showed them to their room and then went to prepare the tea.
When Flora and Matt came down they were welcomed into the sitting room with a fanfare from Max and Harry playing toy drums.

'da da da da. ' They sang.

Flora took out the presents and handed them round. Each gift was greeted with squeals of delight. Emma cuddled her doll and put her hand in Flora's and gave her a big kiss. The twins ran round with their wind instruments making the baby laugh with deep throaty chuckles.
The doorbell rang and Claire's parents came in with bags and parcels.

'Here we are, special delivery. My Thai curry and a Pavlova made with dad's bumper crop of raspberries.'

Claire's mother took the twins and the baby off to get ready for bed. Emma sat close to Flora, cuddling her doll.

'You look like a princess.'

Flora looked across at Matt and caught her breath when she saw the expression in his eyes. She felt quite weak and smiled back.
When the children were all asleep and Claire's parents had left Jack opened some wine and they all sat round the fire.  Matt and Jack challenged each other to a game of chess that Claire's Brother had given them for Christmas.  Flora  brought out a box of chocolates with rum that she'd brought from the Caribbbean.

'You've got a lovely family Claire.  It looks like a lot of hard work though, I do admire you. I haven't really got any qualifications just one A level and my secretarial course. What did you you do before having the children''

Claire poured them a both some more coffee.

'I'm an interior designer and  I've got a Website which makes it possible to work from home and decide how much time I want to spend working.. At the moment I'm helping with Play groups and support groups for mothers in the local area as well. Time for the little ones is so precious. They grow up too quickly and I don't want to miss out.'

' I suppose it's the challenge for modern women bringing up children and having some sort of career at the same time. Being with your children today has made me think that I'd like to do train as a nursery teacher. I think  I'll look into it. Could I have a look at your website ?'

By the end of the evening Flora felt that she had made a real friend in Claire. She'd never been very good at making friends. She'd always had a constant stream of boyfriends and lots of male attention and to sit and talk so easily to another woman was a new experience for her,  she was surprised at what a great time she was having.

As they were leaving to go back to London Flora gave Claire a big affectionate hug.

' Thank you Claire. It's been wonderful staying with you and getting to know your family. '

Emma put her arms round Flora and the twins played their drums.

Claire hugged Flora.

'We've loved having you Flora. Come again soon. It's been lovely being with you. Let me know how you get on with the Nursery course.'

Jack slapped Matt on the back and gave him a man hug.

'Great to see you mate come again soon. I might bring Claire up to a show or something for Valentine's day. We could meet up.'

On the drive back Matt was quiet. Flora looked across at him. He spoke in a low whisper and she had to strain to catch his words.

'Jack said that one of the solicitors in his office is retiring and they'll be looking to replace him. What do you think if we move down here ?'

Hearing the word we made a sharp electric thrill run down Flora's spine. She breathed in deeply.

'Is that some sort of proposal Matt.?'

 Matt drove into a lay-by, turned off the engine and took her in his arms. He kissed her full on the mouth and she could feel their hearts beating beneath their think Winter jackets. When they came up for air, she looked up to see his face aglow with love and passion.

'Oh Matt, I don't mind where I am as long as we're together.'

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