Tuesday 28 June 2016

Moaning Minnie's Dail Rant, happiness and pain

Today I 'm going to pause awhile in my moaning, which is I must say, very cathartic. That word 'cathartic' always makes me smile, because once in double English when I was in the third year, the teacher said that word and my friend Catherine thought she said 'Who's farted?' and couldn't stop laughing, so she got sent out of the door.
usually it was me that got sent out the door, but I knew what 'cathartic' meant cos my dad often said it, usually when he was talking about my uncle Jim, who'd had three wives and no-one really knew why, because they all seemed to want to hang on to him, but that's a long story.
Uncle Jim has a new companion at the moment. He met her on a website called 'Lots of fish in the sea' or something. He'd put 'no strings attached' which wasn't strictly true because he is still married to his third wife, just she's gone a bit nutty and he feels sorry for her.
But I digress, I wanted to talk about the life lessons that can be learned from things going wrong as you gaily trip along life's road. Things and people I might add, people like Dreadful D. I mean how times do you hear people say 'It's not what happens to you, it's the way you deal with it'? That sort of thing. It's the modern way isn't it? It's always you that has to put things right and put on a brave face. Well actually me, not you, because this is all about me.

Anyway I've been reading 'The Little Prince' by Saint Exupèry and at first glance it seems like it is a story with a happy, joyful, naive look at life. While reading it I was struck by the fact that even though this intensely sunny outlook on life remains throughout the book it develops and becomes more complex, mature and real. It unites pain and happiness in the same existence, patience and protest in the same expressions, it helps you understand that the darkest night and the lightest laugh are sewn together with the same thread. These are lessons that lead you to an understanding of the profundity of life.

So from now on with my daily rants there will be a life lesson from Minnie too.

There is no sunshine without rain
No happiness without some pain
I know it's true
And so do you
Just love me and I'll do the same.

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