Monday 20 June 2016

Moaning Minnies Daily Rant, The Unopened Letter

The tone of a person's voice has always been very important for me. It's not what you say, it's the way you say it, that sort of thing.
My name isn't really Minnie, it's Margaret, and whenever someone calls me Margaret I feel a bit afraid, which is daft isn't it, because Margaret is my name. My best friend Penny says the same. Her name's Penelope but never in her life has anyone called her that, except her ex-husband, but that's a long story.
Anyway some things can be said in any tone of voice and the meaning is clear, I like pizza, the sun is shining, even I love you can be uttered through gritted teeth and still be acceptable. When you put kindness in your voice though, or even better, love, then everyone feels better.
Winnie-the-Pooh fans might remember the bit when Winnie overdoes it eating homey, big time, and he gets stuck in Rabbit's warren. When Christopher Robin arrives on the scene and looks at Winnie and says, 'Silly old bear,', everyone feels hopeful again. All because of his tone of voice.
Now Dreadful D said something that without any love or kindness in her voice, made it sound so awful, that something broke in me. Now she is Perfect Pete's OH, so although she made me feel let's say uncomfortable, I did all those things that come sort of naturally to me, like, if there is not love put love and then there will be love, if you want to have a friend be a friend, all those things. I did this for years and years and we jogged along, then for the last two years something went wrong, Perfect Pete said it wasn't me, but there we are, maybe it was all a bit beyond him too.
So I wrote them a letter telling them how much I cared for them, how much I'd like things to be easier and friendlier. Well you'll never believe it but they didn't even open it, just handed it back to me and told me to read it. Then Dreadful D said these words,
'I've told him (PP) that if I hadn't married him then I wouldn't have had his family.'
The tone of voice was not of the sort with kindness and love, and all that is left of his family, is me, because Dreadful D even reminded me that my parents were no longer on this earth.
Now all those years of putting Perfect Pete and Dreadful D first and one day Mum even asked her why she had come to live next door if she didn't like Margaret?, yes even my Mum called me Margaret when she wanted to seem serious, and Dreadful D went off in a huff.

Now if I didn't know me I'd probably be thinking, well Margaret must have done something wrong. Well I've racked my brains, I looked it up in case you're wondering, you can rack or wrack your brains, the same thing. At the moment all that I can come up with is that I am Perfect Pete's sister, but now as having his family seems to be what was stopping them from having Perfect happiness, that won't be a problem any more.

Life Lesson for today:-
If you give someone a letter and they tell you they want to discuss it, make sure they have actually read it before you invite them round.

Ps When I asked Perfect Pete why he hadn't read it he said he knew I'd have written nice positive things in it because he knows me and so he was sure it was a nice letter full of kindness, but when I asked him why he hadn't warned me that they hadn't read it, how could they have just sat there eating my food and chatting away without having told me she wouldn't read it so he didn't dare to, well he had no answer. My OH has though and it isn't very complimentary.

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